We provide acupuncture treatment in Tuckahoe, Westchester and Poughkeepsie, Dutchess.
Acupuncture - The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly
Infertility & Acupuncture
How acupuncture helps infertility? Patients Friendly Research Summary
-The Fertility Foundation
Migraine Headaches & Acupuncture
For intractable migraine headaches, please click here for more information
Female infertility acupuncture points
Our Doctor, Peter S. Zheng, M.D. has been trained in both China and the United States. He continued his acupuncture training and advanced his skills and knowledge over past 15 year practice. Dr. Zheng is an acupuncturist as well as a pain specialist. He is certified in Acupuncture in USA. He is also board certified in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, and board certified in Pain Management. His expertise is in managing a wide variety of pain-related conditions and other health related conditions. His multidisciplinary training in both standard and Alternative Medicine makes him a unique physician.